Long gone are the times of dark little counters in department stores where us neglected beauty enthusiasts had to shop for our precious potions. The new trend is spacious, stand alone boutiques by our favourite brands with better and bigger selections of products!
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to stop by the new Origins concept store at Ion, an interactive retail space perfectly designed to represent the brands identity. It was quite an original concept so I figured you’d like to visit it too (hence the post)!
Origins was one of the very first skincare brands I indulged in just as I was getting into a ‘proper’ skincare routine. Visiting the store that day, seeing some of my old favourites made me feel rather nostalgic. It was like a blast from the past, but in more fancy surroundings! Nothing like the tiny little counter in Sephora on Broadway! I was happy to see Origins making it’s presence felt here in Singapore. The new store is pretty amazing.
Origins is all about plant derived skincare. An approach backed by scientific research, where the best of nature is sourced from sustainable regions from all around the world, then converted into precious active ingredients we find in their skincare. The store concept plays around this idea by bringing it to life for an interactive experience for their consumers.
Notice the green house effect they’ve created right near the entrance? It represents the company’s strength, plant based skincare :-D
Almost every corner is filled with fun and interesting installations. And this very interesting mood board caught my eye. Depicting key ingredients of their skincare in a non boring manner! How clever! A quick way to learn a thing or two about the creams we massage into our faces on a daily basis.
All around the store are little corners like this to intrigue and interest you. Engaging the consumer like never before!
Within the store, I found another eye catching installation taking you through the process of raw materials converting to the final product.
So far, my tour around the ‘facility’ was a fun experience and there’s always friendly staff around to answer any questions. I did end up leaving with a few new things to try out! More on that on another post.
A little shopping guide.
As with many other brands, the best way to sample skincare is trying their masks first! And one of my favourites is the Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask. An essential to draw out impurities from deep within your pores. It’s actually the number #1 selling mask in the US.
If you need more options, this wall of masks is bound to leave you with plenty to pick from!
Another excellent product to try is their well known Plantscription Anti-ageing Serum for hardcore skin regenerating benefits. It’s one of the newer additions to their skincare line with 15 sold every hour around the world!
For the frequent flyer, I found this exciting bin display right near the cashier! Perfect to grab a few masks last minute. Now you have access to travel friendly tubes and sachets of all your favourites!
Nearing the end of my tour, did you enjoy your virtual guide? If you are new to the brand do drop by the store. It’s located one level below the MRT level (B2) just near the escalator. You can’t miss it.
A quick consultation will only take little of your time and you’ll leave with a generous sampling of Origins trial sized minis to enjoy!
They have an entire wall of samples to pick from, just for you! <3 :-D
Origins concept store is located at Ion Orchard, B3- 55/56.