If there’s one thing that never fails to put a spring in my step it’s some good ol’ retail therapy. It truly is the best pick-me-up after a stressful week or just about any time when you are feeling down or bored.
I shop whenever I get the chance. Specially so/more! when it’s at a discounted rate. So Duty Free shopping to me is like a trip to a shrink! It’s an instant fix, picks up my spirits and I get to ‘save some money’ restocking my precious night cream that would probably pay a college students rent!
The sucky part is that most of us don’t get to travel enough (or at all) to take advantage of this Mecca of shopping destinations. So Shilla has come up with a concept of shopping duty free regardless of wether you fly or not!
I was invited to experience this concept and enjoy a spot of shopping. My verdict. It’s pretty awesome!
The prices are cheap, and you get to shop GST free (more on that later)! On top of that, you also get access to all those cute duty free exclusive sets that are veeerry attractively priced! And you don’t even have to fly anywhere!
I found the best stocked items were the perfumes. This is but one wall stocked high with all the new releases!
I spotted My Burberry, which is actually one of their latest. So I took a moment to capture it’s luxe packaging.
Apart from the perfumes there was body & hair care by L’Occitane, Korean beauty products (which are a Shilla speciality, being a Korean company and all), skincare from brands such as Clarins, Elizabeth Arden etc. and a selection of makeup.
Since I was treated to a shopping spree, I decided to pick up some essentials I know and love. first counter, L’Occitane.
They had most of the Amande range stocked, so I went for the shower oil and foot cream. Both well loved and repurchased often.
Here’s another unique product I came across. Horse Oil skincare. All the rage in Korea! Not something i’ll be trying in a hurry, but it’s an interesting find… I guess.
They also stocked popular snail creams n things (i’ve never tried these either!), a wide selection of face masks (i’m a fan of Leaders, in case you needed a few pointers mask shopping) and also a few fun skincare items by Tony Moly which is actually a well known Korean brand. I took my chance and picked up the Egg pore soap. Attractively packaged in.. wait for it. An egg carton! :-D
Anyways here’s everything that made it’s way to my little shopping basket. I think i’m set for a few months at least!
How to save!
To get the lowest possible price on all your purchases, make sure you pick up a Changi Rewards Card at the cashier counter. It can be instantly activated by registering online (2min job I promise!) and you save 7% whenever you shop. No GST! The card also accumulate points for various other perks. Which you can read more about on the Changi website.
Special perks just for you!
From the 5th Nov onwards shoppers can also enjoy a free 5pc mask pack worth $55 and a voucher with $120 spend. Changi Rewards members will qualify with a $100 spend. (For more info, follow Shilladutyfree.sg on FB)
Happy Shopping!
I hope you found this little post an interesting read :-) And do let me know if you have already shopped here and what you found to be the best buys. To me it was all the L’Occitane. Way cheaper than in the city. I also had to take advantage of the Clarins DF exclusives sets. Definitely something to grab while you are there!
P.S – Do keep an eye out for the Instagram giveaway happening… Soon ;-)